Friday 3 January 2014

13 things 2013 taught me

     Some people value time by the money they earned, some value time by the happiness they had, some value time by the people they had spent it with, some value time by the work they had did, and some people, they never value time. Me, I value time by the things I have learnt. The lessons learnt which will help me to live a better tomorrow.

     At every phase of our life, we experience things. Good and bad. But only at a certain point in our life, we learn from our experiences. Am sharing here the 13 most valued things I learnt in the past year, just in a belief that, “Learning from others mistake is the most efficient form of learning”

1.       Living and working out of your comfort zone makes you stronger.

2.      People change. We all know it. But it is better to remember that YOU ALSO WILL CHANGE. After all, you too come under ‘people’ category.

3.      Everything in this world is relative. Your best friend will be someone’s worst enemy. Don't expect everyone to have the same belief as you. Differences bring people closer.

4.      If you know to say the’ right word’ in the’ right place’ at the ‘right time’, you can get anything you want. But remember that, silence always has its value.

5.      Nobody in this world can be called ‘the richest’ or ‘the poorest’, for the richest person will be poor in some aspects and the poorest person will be rich in some aspects. And there’s always someone better and worse than you. Every person has a place and worth in this world.

6.      Nobody in this world is truly independent. We all depend on somebody or something for one thing or other. The fabric of a society is “Dependency”.

7.      Most noble characters of the society live, bottom most in ladder of the society.

8.      Never ever judge a person based on face value and never ever believe a sweet word. Make it a thumb rule that both will be wrong.

9.      Your parents are the only persons whom you can trust unconditionally.

10.  Few kind words and a moment of appreciation can change someone’s life.

11.  Living without preconceptions can make every day of your life interesting.

12.  Letting things and people go is not easy. But it will make you lighter and fly higher.

13.  Just because it fit you at one point doesn’t means you need to keep it forever. Whether it’s your favorite pants or your ex.

14.  If you thought this list would have end with 13th point, then you didn’t understood life yet, for life is full of surprises. The biggest and truest thing I learnt, 
                                “BE READY FOR SURPRISES…ALWAYS”

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